Body slimming treatments

Sculpt your body using the most advanced techniques brought to you by EQSGEN Esthétique

Our advisers are here to help you in your slimming journey, give you guidance and recommend a slimming programme that will be most suited to resolving your issues and will allow you to achieve your goals.

Contact us to make an appointment

Our treatments

A bespoke treatment

At EQSGEN Esthétique, we make it our business to provide treatments that are suitable for your needs and personalised according to your wishes. We work with the latest available techniques in body contouring and we ensure that our beauty therapists have the right training. By combining one or more techniques, we will work with you to establish the most suitable treatment for the area of your body that you would like help with and the results that you are hoping to achieve. Contact us


Lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle massage technique designed to stimulate
lymph flow and to detoxify the body while reinforcing the immune system. It is carried out using the fingers and palms of the hands on the whole body, following the direction of the lymph flow with varying pressure.

It has a long list of positive effects. Recommended pre- and post-surgery, it improves blood circulation. water retention, helps to eliminate heavy leg sensations and tiredness and reduces insomnia.
As well as the benefits it brings to the body, you are also treating yourself to a truly relaxing experience. We carry out the treatment using essential oils (organic food grade) that are blended at the time of your treatment according to your needs.

Cryolipolysis (fat freezing)

Cryolipolysis is the ideal slimming treatment if you want a fast route to a flat stomach, to eliminate saddlebags or to firm up your buttocks.

A cryolipolysis slimming programme takes between two and four months. You will need between one and three sessions to reduce fatty deposits by 80%. A four-week period is required between treatment sessions to allow time for the destroyed fat cells to be completely eliminated by the body.

The treatment can be used on hips, inner and outer thighs, stomach, love handles and buttocks. When combined with other treatments (radiofrequency, lymphatic drainage, Bodysculpt, etc.), the results are even more impressive


Bodysculpt is a non-invasive body contouring treatment. It provides inch loss and reduction of cellulite but it can also give a natural lifting effect to enlarge breasts or hips. Bodysculpt combines different technologies (infra-red light, radiofrequency, vacuum, focused ultrasound and mechanical rollers) that work to reduce localised loose skin and fat and to improve the overall structure and texture of the skin.
With a total of nine applicators, Bodysculpt gives spectacular results without downtime or significant discomfort, making you look and feel younger and
curvier. When combined with other treatments (cryolipolysis, lymphatic drainage etc.), the results are even more impressive.

Frequency focus

The frequency focus is an advanced technique for tightening the skin. The device combines the latest innovations in vacuum and radiofrequency technology to deliver effective and highly personalised treatments with natural and long-lasting results on body shape and skin tightness.

This technique is particularly effective when combined with other body treatments. We offer a free 30-minute consultation with you to determine the most suitable programme for your goals.

EQSGEN Esthétique prices

Silhouette treatments

  • Cryolipolysis

    1450 CHF

    Price of the pack of 5 sessions - unit price CHF 300.- / 30 min session

  • Radio frequency body - Thighs

    850 CHF

    Price of the 5-session pack - unit price CHF 180.- / Session of 2*20 min.

  • Radio frequency body - Side

    650 CHF

    Price of the pack of 5 sessions - unit price CHF 140.- / Session of 2*15 min.

  • BODYsculpt

    850 CHF

    Price of the 5-session pack - unit price CHF 180.-

  • Radio frequency body - belly

    650 CHF

    Price of the 5-session pack - unit price CHF 140.- / 30 min. session

  • For optimal results, several sessions are necessary, which is why we have developed packages at preferential prices.